Doing Good the Right Way - February 2018
If you are going to do it right you need a group of leaders who support your mission, provide expert guidance and the oversight and accountability we need to run a transparent, ethical and effective charity. In addition to adhering to the laws and regulations in all of the countries in which we work, our board governs Limitless Child International using in part the guidelines and practices of the National Council of Nonprofits and the Maine Association of Nonprofits.
Whenever there is a meeting of the board of directors, we'll let you know so that you can rest assured that Limitless Child is focused solely on the best interest of the children we serve and are doing so with high standards, transparent activities and well-governed operations.
February 2018
As you can see below, Ambassador Susan Jacobs participated in our Nov. 2017 board meeting. We are proud to announce that she is our newest member of the board of directors!
It was another great board meeting. We've been on many boards that in truth, had too much dead weight. So we are especially lucky to have a board with a 98% attendance rate over the past 2 years, 100% of the board are donors and no one is quiet during the meetings, or in between!
As always, the board reviewed our financials, program activity, fundraising, review of our Executive Director and fully completed their oversight and goverance responsibilities.
Nov. 2017
The board was very pleased and honored to have Ambassador Susan Jacobs participate in the board meeting. Ambassador Jacobs appointed as the Special Adviser to the Secretary of State in 2008 and served in that position until this past summer.
Once again, in order to ensure transparency, ethical conduct and the highest level of service to children and families, the board fulfilled its oversight and governance responsibilities during a lively board meeting.
June 2017
Our board continues to grow through the addition of Jesse Eaves. We are thrilled that Jesse will be lending his expertise, knowledge and passion to our governing board. Read more about Jesse!
In addition to welcoming Jesse, the board conducted its standard procedures including reviews of all operations, financial and internal and public policy.
February 2017
The board held a standard meeting with nothing big to report. The board did review the year-end financials and made a few revisions to the 2017 budget.
Nov. 2016
If this board meeting is any indication, things are going in the right direction! Although that direction continues to evolve as the board and staff learn more about the needs of the children we serve and our in-country staff and partners.
July 2016
Our board met again this month to help us review our evolution, help us focus on our core competencies and capacity and provided needed oversight to all of our activities, including our financials. We feel very confident in our plans for the second half of the year.
June 2016
Yet another board meeting was held in June. It's been 9 months since we launched so the board helped us evaluate our work to date, reminded us that yes, we've accomplished a lot so far and are setting the stage for low-cost, high-impact, and professionally run programs for vulnerable children.
December 2015
It's been 5 months since our legal formation and two since we had our soft launch... and we are still here! That is in no small part to our committed board of directors. We held our second formal board meeting, review our programs, year-end fundraising and plans for 2017.
August 2015
It's official! We held our first meeting of the our Board of Directors in August. That might not sound like a big deal, but without Bylaws, Policies, board oversight and governance, we wouldn't be here! Thank you to each of our board members!
Learn more about these accomplished and passionate professionals here.