Our Vision
Limitless Child International brings play, learning, and social connections to India's most vulnerable children. Because all children have the right to a thriving childhood.
Our story began over 20 years ago when I first became involved in the field of international adoption. As a social worker in this field, I spent years working with families, NGOs, US and foreign governments, and most importantly, children. I helped over 200 children find loving adoptive families and met thousands more who would never have that chance. I visited orphanages in many countries and learned about orphanage life and the amazing resiliency of children. I also saw the deprivation and marginalization of children who had no one to advocate for them, let alone to worry about them, cherish their first words, proudly display their early drawings or read to them and tuck them in at night.
What I was actually seeing was a profound lack of interest in the importance of providing a childhood and giving institutionalized children the essential elements necessary for them to thrive. Through the creation of Limitless Child we hope to bring tools, resources, awareness and inclusion to children who deserve to be front and center. As a mother myself, I cannot imagine my child living without the gift of childhood. No child should.
What was once a personal passion and promise to a little girl named Payal, has become a shared vision of hope, a magnet that formed our team and now is Limitless Child International. I hope that you too share in our vision and like so many others will become a supporter, childhood sponsor, or volunteer.
Jenny Mills
Executive Director
Limitless Child International creates opportunities for vulnerable children from orphanage care and impoverished communities to realize their potential and thrive. We provide evidence-based play, sports, and learning programs, enabling children to form connections with their communities and create pathways for a hope-filled future.
WE WORK to tear down the walls that mock children's human rights, limit their potential to thrive, and diminish their very ability to live.
WE BELIEVE that once walls come down, a child’s right to happiness transforms into a smile on her face. And that once limits are removed, a child’s right to education becomes her seat in a classroom and that isolation is replaced by hope, laughter, play and love.
WE BELIEVE that systems which give a child a strong beginning, put family care first and protect children must be created and strengthened. During the lengthy time needed to build such systems, children living in orphanages must be served with opportunities for a thriving childhood and connected to their local communities.
WE SERVE children living outside of family care, children living in orphanages, children living in extreme poverty and local communities and families.
OUR GOAL is to help children reach their potential and live a life without limits.
WE BASE our work on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Human Rights Declaration, the Better Care Network: Better Volunteering, Better Care Guidelines, the U.S. Government's Action Plan for Children in Adversity and other principals which guide our work and ensures we utilize best practices and child protection guidelines.
Jenny with Payal, 2006.