Their First Summer Camp
For many kids, going to summer camp for a day or two-weeks is an annual event filled with fun, fear and adventure. Yet for many other children, summer camp is not only something they never experience, they don’t even know what it is.
This summer, 35 young girls from the slums of Pune, had their first experience when they participated in our Mobile Play and Learning Summer Camp. Namita Mohandes, our Program Coordinator, led a group of engineers and gave the girls a 5-day camp in sustainable electric power! During this STEM based learning experience, the girls built solar powered lights and cell phone chargers, and a hand-cranked power generator - all based on their own designs!
More important than the knowledge and hand-on experience, the girls connected with professionals outside of the slums, developed confidence and saw that their future was unlimited.
If funding allow, the next round of camps will be in January, 2019.